Monday, January 12, 2009

Stock Market Tutorial - Starting Out With Trading and Investing

It is difficult to know exactly where to start when you want to invest on the stock market. Sure, you could simply open up an account with an online stock broker and start following your instincts, but for most investors that is a bad way to go. It is much better to read a stock market tutorial or two, do some extra research, and learn the ins and outs of the stock market before you actually begin investing. Here are a few helpful tips to get you started.

It is important to know and acknowledge the difference between online stock brokers and offline stock brokers. After all, there is a large difference in the type of services as well as the cost of trading with each type of stock broker. Offline stock brokers (sometimes known as "traditional stock brokers") are known for providing guidance to clients and helping with managing their investments, as well. In exchange for this level of service, higher commissions are charged, sometimes up to hundreds of dollars per trade. Online stock brokers are pretty much a "do it yourself" endeavor, but you can trade for $10 or less per trade in many cases. However, you will be on your own!

To decide what type of broker is right for you, consider what type of investor you expect to be. Swing traders or day traders, who often buy and get rid of shares of stock within the space of a single day, will probably not want to pay high trading commissions. Long term investors who like to stick with their stocks for a long period and ride out low points to make an overall profit may find that traditional brokers serve their needs better.

There are a few general principles that are good to remember when you are making your investment decisions, as well. Any stock market tutorial will tell you that you have to be a disciplined investor to really see any kind of profit from your investments. If you have decided on a selling point for a stock, make sure you sell when the stock does reach that point. Try not to be tempted to hang on to stock that has dropped in order to see if it regains momentum, or to hold on to investments that have hit a plateau and are done rising in price.

Of course, a stock market tutorial is useless if you are not willing to put forth the effort to ensure your investments are a success. Only by attaining the knowledge you need and continuing to learn about the market and its trends will you truly be successful.

Read more about the Stock Market and how you can trade or invest in it at =>

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