Monday, January 12, 2009

How Does Stock Trading Robot Stack Up?

I know very little when it comes to the stock market and shares although I have always thought that it would be quite exciting to get involved. When I heard about a Stock Trading Robot called Marl I thought I might as well buy into it and get a slice of the action.

Marl's creators are Michael and Carl. It is a home computer system that was developed on an actual stock trading model. Marl will scrutinize the stocks and compare them against it's massive database and come up with some stocks that are about to increase. (Bullish trading patterns). Marl will add these to it's watch list so it can keep track of them. Marl can analyse stock charts about sixty time faster than a human stock trader.

Stock Trading Robot can monitor many stocks at once and the clever thing is that the longer that it is running, the better it gets at making future predictions because it's adding the new information to it's database all the time. Marl can analyse stock charts about sixty times faster than a human stock trader.

When the stock reaches a phase called the 'breakout phase', which is when a stock starts to rise above a certain value, Marl will keep a tab on it then decide when the best time is to buy the stock.

This stock is sent out to all subscribers in a weekly newsletter called 'Doubling Stocks'. Michael and Carl decided to send out a weekly newsletter because the actual cost of Stock Trading Robot is a cool $28,000 dollars. Obviously, that is way above the reach of most people.

When you get your weekly newsletter with the selected stock on it, you then go to your broker or you can trade over the internet.

It's not necessary to have experience but it is an advantage. There is an ebook that guides you through the whole system. Setting up a trading account should not present a problem

If you have a high tolerance to risk then you can play it differently to someone who has a low tolerance. I personally don't like to go too mad because I am quite cautious about the way I trade. The penny stock market isn't that predictable so I would advise caution at first.

I have had some good returns as a whole so in future I will be more adventurous.

For those who are astute and brave enough, the credit crunch doesn't have to be the big downer that we are led to believe.

Get more information on Marl Stock Trading Robot and bite back at the crunch The Stock Trading Robot.

Martin Loader - EzineArticles Expert Author

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