Sunday, September 6, 2009

Begin Trading With Cheap Online Stock Trading Picks

You too, can learn how easy it is to invest your money through online stock trading. If you are beginner at investing in stocks, there are many advantages to starting with small and cheap online stock trading picks.

With online stock investing, you have hands-on involvement in your investments. There are many brokerage firms that offer start-up accounts, as well as cheap online stock trading for beginners. You essentially become your own stock broker, directly connected to the goings-on on the stock market floor. Try checking out the varied online stock trading firms and pick one that gives you the best leeway in terms of your experience.

There are a lot of online brokerage firms that cater to individual non-professional stock traders who want that hands-on approach in dealing with their investments. For these beginners, many online stock experts say that starting with small and cheap online stock trading picks is the best.

Another advantage for starting small online is that online brokerage firms guide stock trading beginners with what to do concerning their online investments. A lot of brokerages offer cheap online stock trading for beginner-investors, before allowing you to move to bigger and riskier stock picks.

Beginners can start investing for as low as five or three, or even one dollar per share! Once you get the hang of doing cheap online stock trading investments, then you can move on to bigger shares.

Updates on trends and stock movements is another benefit when you go for online stock investments. Many online brokerage sites offer real-time quotes as part of their service and so you do get informed of the current trends and shifts in the stock you're interested in (buying or selling). Other financial and market online news sites may also offer information about the stock market, and specifics stocks and options you may be looking to buy. However, what they don't tell you is that making stock trades online is not instantaneous as it is on the floor.

Some times, you can even make out a buy offer, until you get the stock that you want, twelve, or even twenty-four hours may have elapsed. This is where things can get sticky, if the market moves quickly on the stock of your choice, then the trading price that you might be seeing on your PC screen could may not what be the same as the real-time price. Apart from starting a cheap online stock trading account. One thing that the Internet can't duplicate is the market hours. So, be sure to keep a pulse on what's happening in your market so you can make adjustments to you online buying and selling.

The obvious and the biggest advantage for a beginner starting with small and cheap online stock trading is that you can get a feel for online trading, while still learning the ropes. It's a little like online poker: You start with nickels and dimes before you head to the Big Game. Starting with small and cheap online stock trading as opposed to starting with bigger valued stocks is that even if it is, just five, ten or even twenty dollars of your money, you learn and begin forming your own stock trading strategy. This way, your online stock trading experience begins to grow and making the transition to bigger accounts would be easier. Heck, you could probably do it fulltime, in no time.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Penny Stocks Investing - 3 Absolutely Critical Things You Must Know

Are you interested in penny stocks investing? If you are, there are three critical things you MUST know about. There are many young investors who lose a lot more than they make from these volatile stocks. If you are interested in succeeding with penny stocks investing, I urge you to stick around for a bit. Your penny stock picks depend on it!

Obviously, choosing the right penny stocks depends on your ability to judge a company's worth. You need to evaluate a company to see its true potential. Here are 3 things to watch for...

Penny Stocks Investing

1. Revenue

It is amazing to see the number of investors who forget about the most fundamental numbers. They judge a company's worth based on some preconceived notion or "insider secret".

Forget about all of these gimmicks.

The company needs to have increasing revenue. Look for some consistent increases over the past few quarters and this will be a great sign.

2. Market Advantages

This one is very vital to any company's success. What market are they operating in?

There are many large markets which the big players will dominate. This is okay. Does your penny stock company have an advantage within a smaller niche of that market? Does it have something that its competitors do not?

Look for resources and specialization that your company possesses which others do not.

3. Buy Backs

If your company has a buy back plan, this is an awesome sign of future profitability. A buy back plan is where a company commits to buying back its shares over a certain period of time. You want this. The more shares your company buys back, the more your shares (and other publicly traded shares) will be worth!

If you are serious about penny stocks investing, please keep the above concepts in mind. It will get you on the winning track!

Have you taken the Doubling Stocks Scam Challenge?

Learn how Frank earned about $30,000 in his first 10 months as a penny stocks investor! Click Here

Hot Stocks For 2009

2008 has entered the record books for all of the wrong reasons; the FTSE had its worst year ever! So what about 2009, how will stock markets from around the world perform and which are the stocks to follow? Well in reality you need a crystal ball to be able to answer these questions. 2009 may well be another tough year, Gordon Brown is certainly stating that it will be or is he just covering his own back?

I am a person who enjoys investing on the stock markets and I have to say that I am a bit of a gambler; I am quite prepared to take a risk with my disposable income in the hope that I can increase it etc. Just a quick note however, I am not a financial adviser and therefore anything that I write or suggest in this article should not be seen as advice.

I personally believe in investing an amount of money (an amount that I can afford) on a monthly basis instead of investing lump sums. This way I am able to take advantage of what is commonly referred to as pound cost averaging in the United Kingdom or dollar cost averaging in the United States. This is where when prices are high your monthly contribution may buy fewer shares or fund units but that when prices are low your investment buys more shares or fund units. During these volatile times this method of investing may prove to be the most prudent. Even though stock markets such as the FTSE has had a very poor 2008 and is therefore quite low there may well be significant falls ahead.

Call me a little crazy if you like but I think (and am also putting my money where my mouth is) that the areas to invest in 2009 could be Russia, China, India and Japan. I do not personally invest in individual stocks; I actually purchase units in what is called a collective investment. Let's all hope that 2009 is more prosperous, financially, than 2008! Good luck.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including: stuttering and DVD authoring.

Stock Market Losses

There is a lot of money to be made when trading the stock market, however, losses are a fact of life for every investor. The difference between successful stock market investors and the rest is simply in how they deal with those losses. It's that strategy that will either make you money, or simply add to your losses.

It's been taught that a buy and hold strategy is the way to go. Unless you are Warren Buffett and can afford to buy a very large stake in a company and hold for decades, you may find that advice difficult to take when your portfolio is down 25% (or 40% like many experienced with the current bear market).

Anyone has suffered through the woes of a bear market knows that it is quite difficult to stick to your initial investment strategy when all around you people are jumping ship and liquidating assets. This is an investment strategy that requires discipline along with nerves of steel. Fears of depression often have investors heading for the hills and using logic that is at best faulty and at worst financially devastating.

If you have done your due diligence on your investment before you bought, then you should be able to weather the storm over the long term. As a matter of fact, the drop may provide the perfect opportunity to add to your position. Its important to remember that the buy and hold strategy works best with large cap stocks.

In these situations, perfectly stable companies may begin selling for fractions of their actual value for the interim-this by no means indicates that these companies will not fully recover and prove to be a perfectly solid investment. Below you will find three fundamental truths that should help weather your short-term market losses and stand fast when others are running for higher ground.

Its More Than Just A Sheet Of Paper

What you hold in your portfolio is a part of a company. Unlike day traders who buy and sell over the short term, hoping to make money by playing the up and down movement of the share price, long term investors are looking to own a piece of a company; to share in the story of the company. What your shares represent is a piece of everything the company owns. From pens to buildings, you own a portion of it.

If you want to be successful as a trader you need to do two things. First, - and its the most important - you can not let emotion rule reason. The single biggest risk in trading is you - greed and fear will make you make wrong decisions. Second, you need to be able to determine the difference between the stock price, and the potential of the business. Don't fall in love with a stock and become blind to potential pitfalls. Remember that even the best company in the world is a lousy investment if you pay too much for the privilege.

Focus On The Big Picture

Are you investing in the stock market with the big picture in mind? If you look at any chart over the long term, you can easily identify areas where a company has dipped, only to trade much higher a few months later. In most businesses, there are seasonal changes that affect the share price. If you are trading the stock market with the big picture in mind, then you can easily identify this as an opportunity to add to your portfolio. When the company releases news, how will it impact the company? Plenty of companies have for example, sought financing by issuing shares. Typically, this involves providing the buyer with the shares at a discount to the current market price. Not surprisingly, the share price drops to that amount. This is usually where the traders bail (hitting their stop losses on the way down). However, if the company is a solid one, that is going to use the money for expansion, acquisition or debt repayment, the market will reward investors over the long haul. If you sold based on one days trading actions, you would be out of a position, just when the company is poised to move higher.

The following tips should help to improve your returns:

Develop an investing plan, and stick to it. Execute your buy trade when your plan says conditions have been met. Sell when your trading plan says to sell. No questions. If you think your trading plan needs to be tweaked, sell, tweak the plan, and then look for a security that meets your requirements.

Remember there is money to be made going long, just as there is money to be made going short. Just know the trend before you decide which way to go.

An educated investor will take on greater risk if the anticipated reward is sufficient. If the research shows that a company is going to do very well, taking extra risks at the right time can increase your returns. Using margin can add risk to your portfolio, thus potentially increasing your return. Ensure you have a Plan B in case your research turns out to be incorrect.

Having a loss here and there in the stock market should be expected. It isn't how you deal the gains so much as how you deal with the losses you make along the way. If your ultimate goal in life is wealth then you are missing some of the greatest value that this world has to offer in your pursuit of that goal. Keep your investing goals realistic and honorable-be prepared to take hits along with the wins and learn to roll with the punches. That is what separates a successful investor from a failure as a person.

Learn more about stock market investing, including tips: volume and technical analysis, oppenheimer mutual funds

Looking For Value Stock Picks? Start Looking in the Right Places

When looking for Value Stock Picks you can still look for good bargains within the alternative energy sector as people have been saying for years. The point is find to find a company who has a certain niche within a sector like wind energy so they don't get lost in the shuffle with all their competitors.

Companies like Cummings and Emerson are bargains within alternative energy that the talking heads on the cable news shows love to talk about. One stock pick that looks valuable in some ways within the energy sector is Capstone Energy because of their low price, but I would warn folks to stay away from that stock. Capstone Energy has been unable to separate themselves from the rest of the pack in the wind energy game.

The battle over energy and what is clean energy and what is a "dirty fuel" within the halls of Congress will be key. Good alternative fuel companies like POET energy and the promotion of cellulosic ethanol companies whose prices will be affordable to common investor. The debates over clean coal and those terrible ads about incorrectly stating that there is no such thing as clean coal actually will hurt the economy here. Our stock exchange in this country needs to compete in the global economy. Value Stock Picks are of course not just in the alternative energy field. There are companies that are very reliable historically speaking.

Value Stock Picks such as Wynn Resorts and Northrop Grumman will find their way back to a respectable level as a company. A lot of people are worried about the casino industry in Vegas along with Steve Wynn's health, but as long as Steve Wynn is still breathing his company will be fundamentally sound. Some folks are worried about changes in the defense industry and how that could effect Value Stock Picks around the world, but conflict will always be there in the world so I don't see the defense industry hitting that kind of low.

If you know where to look, you should have no trouble finding value stock picks. Best of luck to your success!

Subscribing to a newsletter service can help you find the best value stock picks. One of the premier newsletters is Microcapmillionaires. While their sales page is over-hyped, their picks are top quality and will make you money. I found a good review of their software here: value stock picks.

Stocks Trading Tool and Market Signals

Current stock market condition is scaring every one of us. Many stock investors lost all their portfolio value and hard earned money. All of us have to understand that there is a thing called rotation /life cycle, every one has to go through that, like in your normal life cycle you personally go through lots of ups and downs and every one knows that if you have bad time then there will be good time around the corner only that you have to pass this bad time with the good planning and courage and using correct tools.

Current market is also going through the bad cycle. Everyone is concerned about when we will get out of this bad cycle. Now, question is not that how big is the problem question is how we fight with it and make money even conditions are totally opposite?

Many stock market investors lost big money in this market and many will going to lose, but these losing trades can be converted into winning trades if you have right tool, technique and information and if you use that wisely you will win the market no matter where the market is going up or down.

Common mistakes that stock investors generally do and lose money are listed below, go through this list and I bet you will say oh! My god I am also doing these mistakes every day:

· No trading/investment rules and plan.
· Influenced by friends and Media. Following cheap newsletters without any second thought.
· Emotions, Overconfidence and Predictions.
· Chasing stocks that has performed and gave return 100%, 200% in past etc.
· No Risk Management.
· Always wanted to be in the Market in a fear that I will miss big moves.
· Buying too many stocks.
· Buying entire position at once.

So I think by going through this list of mistakes you must have got some idea what you need, to become a successful investor in stock market if it is not clear let me tell you what you need or rather should do for your success in stock market.

Investment planning: One most important part of your success, Plan it in details how much you will invest? Where you will invest? Which sectors/industries and make some rules around your investment how much you will put in one stock and divide your investment across the sectors/industries. DO NOT put all of your money at one place (spreading money across the board is called Diversification of portfolio).

Avoid buying stocks recommended by your barber, friends, some online cheap trading sites or forums. Do your own research or if you do not have time then only follow good services and tools that are developed by experts and that covers you loosing any big money.

Risk Management: The most important part of the investment in Stock Market and to become winner you should have Risk Management in place for your investment. Most of the experienced investors and traders fail because of no risk management plan. No one can predict stock market direction with 100% accuracy. So it is a must that you have plan for unexpected movement of stock market. What if you buy XYZ stock thinking that this stock will go high and suddenly some bad news takes whole market down for months then your money is stuck in XYZ and before you realize your position is down to much that you even cannot think to take big loss on this position. So better plan it for What if you are wrong? Some things to do as part of risk management.

· Plan it in advance when to get out of the position in case you are wrong and stock moves in opposite direction.
· Keep position for both the directions means you should have some short positions and some long positions in your portfolio. This way you can take advantage of any move in the market.

So by looking all the above stuff you will think that stock trading is not simple and it needs lot of research and experience to get to the level to make constant money.

Do not worry anymore there are many good tools and services available in the market that will reduce your effort and time and help you to become a successful trader in Stock market. Yes, but you have to do research on available tools. So when you look for any tool or service you have to make sure that all the above listed things in common mistakes are properly covered in it so that you do not have to worry about it. Once you find best service and tool you just have to follow them and they will take care of where you have to invest, what stock you have to buy and when to sell. You just enjoy the profit.

This is where comes in to the picture to help every one of you. As I mentioned above that you have to plan and fight with the bad time exactly same planning and risk management we have in our award-winning tool that helps you in winning all the conditions bad, very bad, worst and off course in good market conditions.

Now you will ask, what is the proof? And how trend winner tool/service does this?

It is valid question and I am glad that you asked it, My family members and friends know me very well that I never talk without real proof and results and I think if you follow me you will get to know me and will get the same confidence on me.

We built the tool and have tested our tool for last 5 years and it has given market signal very accurately (Past performance is no guaranty of future performance) we have posted all the results on and also we have posted all the trades came into the trend winner scanner and what profit one could have made by following and buying or shorting the all recommended stocks by trendwinner's tool. We have followed all this recommendations and in year 2008 when every one was loosing money we were making money. See your self and make a decision.

Stock trading is not simple and it needs lot of research and experience to get to the level to make money every day, every month and every year. We have done all for you so no need for you to spend time on all the research and effort one can start making money right now, Come and join the and make your future.You can Make upto $5000 per Month.

Author: TrendWinner is a very experienced and successful investor to know more about him please visit his website Source:

Stock Market Ideas - Building Your Position

When someone is new to stock market investing, they don't know the importance of building their position slowly. When you want to build a position in a company's stock, you don't want to buy all of the shares at once. The idea is to slowly purchase shares as the price fluctuates. To help keep your cost basis as low as possible, you buy share incrementally.

When you buy all of the shares at once, you can't take advantage of the fact that share prices will always rise and fall. To help increase you portfolio, you need to be able to buy and sell as the price goes up and down.

Let's say that you want to buy shares in company XYZ and the price is $50. You want to invest a total of $10,000 in the company. At the current price you would be able to purchase 200 shares. If you were to buy all 200 shares at once, you will have to wait for the stock to go up in price before selling any of them (unless you take a loss).

If you went ahead and purchased only 50 shares as your initial buy-in, you will still have the remaining $7,500 to buy more. Let's say the price drops to $45 a share over the next week. you would go ahead and buy another 50 shares at that price, making your total average cost per share $47.50 instead of $50. If the stock was to drop again to the $42 level, you would still be able to buy more shares at a lower price. At this point your average has now dropped to $45.66 per share.

As the price goes back up you can now sell some of the shares for a profit. Once the stock is above the $45.66 level you are now in positive territory even though you bought shares at a higher price. if you continue to buy and sell your shares incrementally around the $45 range, you will be able to make a profit and still have a position in the company.

The importance of building your position in a certain companies stock is something that will help you in the long run. Don't rush and buy all your stock at once.